Education in Pathankot
Education in pathankot
Education is an important aspect of our life because it develops knowledge and skills in us. Education creates awareness in us. It makes our life systematic and tells us how to behave in the society. Schools, colleges and Institutions are the medium of getting education. Education is also important because it is the only way to earn good source of income. If you are highly educated then it opens good source of income for you.
Education system in Pathankot has also changed as compared to the earlier times. Earlier, there were only few schools in the city and it was difficult for the people to go to the school. But now we have maximum number of schools and colleges in the Pathankot. Government schools are affordable for everyone. Different private and government colleges are opened for the development of the city.
The literacy rate of Pathankot is 87.99% which is increasing day by day. People are becoming more aware regarding the education. Today the modern technology has changed our education system completely. We can say technology has revolutionized the education system. The concept of smart class and computers and projectors has changed the working criteria of the education.
Schools of Pathankot: schools are the first platform of the education or we can say that schools are the basic step of our education system. Schools give us knowledge and they create an environment to study. School is the place where we learn how to behave in the society. The teachers of the school are treated as God because they teach us many things and they also provide proper guidance to the students.
Colleges of Pathankot: After the completion of the school education. The next step of education is college. Through college we attain our bachelors and masters degree. In Pathankot there are many colleges which provide different types of streams like BA, BSC, BCA, MCA, BBA, MBA, M-Tech and B-tech etc. in Pathankot most of the colleges are under the two main universities Guru Nanak Dev University and Punjab Technical University.
Institutions of Pathankot: There are many institutions in Pathankot. They provide both distance and regular education to the students. These institutions are mainly under the Punjab technical university. They provide different type of courses like BSC, BCA, MCA, MBA, and computer diploma etc. These institutions provide education and also develop the overall personality of the students.